As the Earth Day organisation themselves say - it’s not a day, it’s a movement. We couldn’t agree more.

Single use plastics are disrupting the balance of life on earth - that’s now an undeniable fact. Earth Day Org are campaigning for a 60% reduction of plastic production by 2040; demanding a rapid phasing out of all single use plastics and a strong UN Treaty on plastic pollution. They’re talking our language.

Under the leadership of MD Jon Davies, Levy are leading the way in removing plastic from our food containers, by forming a strategic partnership with Notpla, a company which has developed a seaweed-based alternative to the plastic coating used to keep food packaging from getting soggy. This is just one of many ways Levy is reducing single use plastic across our entire business.

This Earth Day, we’re celebrating with the publication of our sustainability journal - this newsfeed will soon be filled with the inventions and interventions we champion in our journey to Net Zero. But every other day of the year, we are industry leaders in sustainability innovation, championing low carbon methods of supply chain management, food production, and mass catering. We work with Foodsteps to calculate our carbon emissions for many aspects of our business – from menus to supply chain miles to the benefits of reusable cups over recyclable ones. Every decision we make is an informed one.

We know the day is coming that all businesses in our sector - certainly ones of comparable size to Levy - will be legally required to have a sustainability framework in place. At Levy, we know that we owe it to our people and planet to be ahead of the curve - putting the Earth first, every day.